Precept ministries bible study tools full#
Always seek the full counsel of the Word of God. Discover what the author is saying don’t add to his meaning.Ģ. As you study, ask yourself: Is my interpretation of this passage of Scripture consistent with the theme, purpose, and structure of the book in which it is found? Is it consistent with other Scripture about the same subject? Am I considering the historic and cultural context? Never take a Scripture out of its context to make it say what you want it to say. If you lay the solid foundation of observation, you will be prepared to consider each verse in the light of the surrounding verses, the book in which it is found, and the entire Word of God. The word “context” means that which goes with the text. You may want to underline them in the text.ġ. Mark terms of conclusion Words such as therefore,thus and for this reason indicate that a conclusion or summary is being made. Geographic Locations Often it is helpful to mark geographical locations which tell you where an event takes place.Ĩ. Marking “time” will help you see the sequence or timing of events and lead accurate interpretation of Scriptures.ħ. Note expressions of time The relationship of events in time often shed light on the true meaning of the text.

Peter also contrasts God’s attitude toward the proud and the humble.Ħ. For example, Peter compares the devil to a roaring lion in verse 8. Watch for contrasts and comparisons Contrasts and comparisons paint word pictures to make it easier to remember what you’ve learned. It is also helpful to make a list of what you learn about each key word or person you mark.ĥ. 1 Peter 5:2-3, for example, contains a simple list regarding the role of the elder, shown by numbering the items in the text. Lists reveal truths and highlight important concepts. Make lists Making lists can be one of the most enlightening things you do as you study. Key words can be marked using symbols, colors, or a combination of the two.Ĥ. For example, notice that some form of the word suffering is used three times in 1 Peter 5. Key words and phrases are repeated in order to convey the author’s point or purpose for writing. Mark key words and phrases A key word is one that is essential to the text. Ask the “5 W’s and an H” As you study any passage of Scripture, train yourself to constantly ask: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? These questions are the building blocks of precise observation, which is essential for accurate interpretation.ģ. Yet apart from the work of the Holy Spirit, that’s all it will be-a method.Ģ. You are about to learn the most effective method of Bible study there is. Begin with Prayer Prayer is often the missing element in Bible study. In an even greater way, effective Bible study should result in changes to our moral character, our world-view, our relationships, and our eternity. You don’t go to school for any length of time without it changing your life. Like any course of study, Bible study takes time and should result in a changed life. Those who study the Bible usually want to know God, know what God is like and what He expects from them. Many people read the Bible either as duty or a ritual or in the same way as they might read a novel they read it for information and to pass the time. The main difference between reading the Bible and studying the Bible is seen in the result. What is the Difference Between Reading the Bible and Studying the Bible? Precept Inductive Bible study is the best way to become established in God’s Word. No matter what other people say about God, or experiences you or others have, it all must be tested by the Word of God, the Bible. God’s primary means of speaking to mankind is through the Bible. If you have a desire to study the Bible, it is because God wants to speak to you. The Bible declares that it is the voice of God recorded for the benefit of His creation.